
Candle flicker
Candle flicker

candle flicker

In previous works, the candle flames were found to be able to spontaneously crowd together and exhibit limit-cycle oscillation 1, 2, 3. With the help of high speed camera, the complex dynamics underlying candle flames could be recorded and measured nowadays. The great availability, inexpensiveness and stability make candles ideal for people to explore features of diffusion flames. Candles, derived from ancient torch, have a prolonged history of usage for the purpose of illumination dating back to early civilization. The proficiency of utilizing fire made it possible for homo-sapiens to get rid of the dark and cold, moving out of caves and becoming the most developed species in the world. Since the coupling between oscillators is dominated by thermal radiation, a “overlapped peaks model” is proposed to phenomenologically explain the relationship between temperature distribution, coupling strength and the collective behavior in coupled system of candle oscillators in both symmetric and asymmetric cases. Moreover, envelopes in the amplitude of the oscillatory luminance are displayed when candles are coupled asymmetrically. Experimental results show that the frequency gradually decreases as the number of candles increases in the case of an isolated oscillator, while alternation between the in-phase and the anti-phase synchronization appears in a coupled system of two oscillators. The impact on the frequency of the flame by several factors, such as the arrangement, the number and the asymmetry of the oscillators, is discussed.

candle flicker

Binding several candles together will result in flickering of candle flames, which is generally described as a nonlinear oscillator. The combustion of candles exhibits a variety of dynamical behaviors.

Candle flicker